The Electronics Project Rooms is Open 10-5-12

The electronics Project room is available for use. Please see the following page for all info concerning use of the space.

Grad Lab Update 9-20-12

The Main Lab is fully functional! All of the computer stations in the Main Lab are currently working. ;)

3D Animation Workstation

As of today (Sept 17th 2012) the 3D Animation / HD Video Workstation in the Main Lab is available for use!

Grad Lab Update

As of today 9-14-12 all of our Scanning Stations are back online, our Video Editing Stations are working and all of our Proofing stations are ready for use.
For more information about the Scanning Stations please see the following page, Scanning Stations.
To read up on the Video Stations please visit the Video Capture Stations page.

The Printer is working!!!

We were able to get the printer serviced and back online this afternoon!

The Grad Lab will open in a limited fashion tomorrow Sept. 10th 2012 at 10am.

The Print Lab and Checkout will be fully functional, however the only Computer Workstations that will be operational are the 5 Web Workstations.
Additionally, the printer in the Main Lab has broken and is awaiting service.
We are working hard to get the rest of the Computer Workstations up and running and as soon as we have the timeline for their availability nailed down it will be posted here.
Right now it looks like the Coolscan 9000 and the M1 Scanning stations will be the next stations to come online.

The Grad Lab will be opening at 10am on September 10th 2012

The Grad Lab will be opening at 10am on September 10th 2012. Our goal is to have both checkout and the Print Lab operational and the majority of the computer stations in the main Lab functioning. All other Lab resources will be opened as quickly as possible. As timelines for the additional spaces and resources become available they will be posted here on our web site. As soon as we can possibly speculate on an opening date that information will be passed along to you through this site so please bear with us and watch this page for updates.

The Grad Lab Is Hoping To Re-Open By 9-10-12

The Grad Lab is currently on track to re-open with basic functionality in the new Studio Center Building by Monday Sept. 10th. Our goal is to have the Main Computer Lab, Print Lab and Checkout ready for use by this date, with our other assets to follow as quickly as possible.
Keep watching this site for updates on our progress!

The Grad Lab Is Closing 8-1-12 at 8pm!!!

The Grad Lab will be closing Wednesday 8-1-12 at 8pm inorder to begin the process of re-locating to the new Studio Center building. Watch this site for updates and info on when we will re-open.

The Grad Lab Has Moved!!!!!

The Grad Lab has moved into a temporary space in Brown 306 and 308 for the Summer Session while the Studio Center is renovated. Come visit us across the bridge.


From May 29th to at least Aug. 1st the Grad Lab will be occupying two rooms in the Brown Center while the Studio Center under goes Renovations. The Print Lab and checkout are located in Brown 306 and the Main Computer Lab is in 308. Keep watching this page for update on our move in schedule as one will be posted as soon as we have confirmation.


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